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Weather Norms


The following chart illustrates historical weather temperatures that are typical for the month.


The two charts below show information relevant to precipitation. The first chart is the typical precipitation for the month indicated. The second chart shows the precentage of the month in question that is subject to inclement weather (rain, snow, etc.). Combined the two charts give the viewer a better understanding of precipitation in the area. For example, if the first chart shows a relatively small amount of rain accumulations in June, but the second chart shows a large percentage of June to be inclement --- the reader can interpret the information to mean that the small amount of rain is spread out over the month as oppose to falling within a short period of time.

Cooling/Heating Degree Days

The two charts below show the cooling and heating degree days for the area. Cooling degree days is a cummulative of the degrees that are above 78°(F). Heating degrees is the cummulative of degrees that fall below 65°. This information becomes important when trying to understand the amount of energy necessary to heat or cool a home. It is best to use these charts when comparing different regions of the country in order to compare potential energy needs for heating and cooling.

Wind Speeds

The chart below illustrates typical wind speeds for an area.

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